End of Life Support and Euthanasia
Deciding to euthanize your companion animal can be one of the most difficult decisions you may ever make. Our team is here to help you through this stressful time and will try to make the process as comfortable as possible for you and your pet.
Once the decision has been made to say goodbye, pet parents have a number of different options available to them. Many pet parents want to be with their pets during the final moments. Some wish to kiss them goodbye just after checking in for the appointment. Please know that at any time before or during your visit, if your preference changes, that is okay. For those owners choosing not to stay for the duration of the appointment, rest assured that your pet is being cared for by some of the most experienced and compassionate staff in the veterinary field.
Our Euthanasia Services for Pets in North Pole, AK
We also offer:
- Home Burial – Pet parents can always request that they take their pet home with them, regardless of the season.
- Cremation Options:
- Private Cremation – For pet parents wishing that their pet’s ashes are returned to them, this is the option to choose. We offer urns available for purchase in clinic or owners can purchase their own elsewhere. NPVH uses a crematorium located here in North Pole. Our staff will transport your loved one for you and will call you upon their return to our hospital.
- Group Cremation – For pet parents wanting their pet cremated, but not for the reason of having their remains returned, this is an option available. Our staff will transport your pet after you have said your goodbyes.
- FNSB Animal Shelter receives pets for cremation at no cost to the owner. For many, there is an emotional barrier that makes it difficult to exercise this option, as it is the pet parent’s responsibility to transport their loved one to Fairbanks from our hospital. When the Shelter is open to the public, they will receive your pet from you in person and if they are closed, there is a receptacle to place your pet outside of the Shelter building.
For any option above that you may choose, NPVH also offers you a personal keepsake of your pet, if you so desire. Once your pet has passed away, we can make an impression of their paw into a soft clay that then hardens. There is no cost for this and our staff will ask if this is something that interests you.

Pet Euthanasia Services Near You
To consult with a veterinarian about our pet euthanasia services, contact us today at (907) 488-2335.